Initial Visit Tests
On your initial visit, we will review your medical history and perform a complete physical. In addition, we will perform several lab tests, including:
- Blood type
- Rh factor
- Antibody screen
- RPR (syphilis)
- CBC (complete blood count)
- Rubella
- Hepatitis
- Sickle cell
- Pap smear
- Gonorrhea
- Chlamydia
- Urinalysis
Routine & Optional Screenings
There are also several routine and optional screenings. The routine screenings include:
- Diabetes Screen (One hour glucose tolerance test)
- Anemia Screen
- GBS Vaginal Culture (Group B strep test)
- Ultrasound/Sonogram
We also perform optional screenings to check for genetic abnormalities and provide referrals to perinatologists for high-risk pregnancies that require more detailed ultrasounds.
Printable Documents
Download a complete list of all routine and optional screenings here.